Here’s the Simplest Marriage Name Change Solution

Name change has to be among the most tedious tasks in the entire nuptials process. True there are many other logistical aspects of marriage that you have to plan for but for these you have various people working with you. Changing your name after marriage takes place at a time when you probably don’t want to hear anything to do with weddings any more. Pulling off a successful wedding is both physically and emotionally draining and for this reason you need an easy marriage name change solution. If you have just come back from your honeymoon, all you want is to settle down into your new life but you have to deal with the name change first.

Truth be told, name change after marriage is an arduous process but luckily, an online name change service makes the whole process less stressful. You might have heard about how difficult it is to change your maiden name after marriage but you shouldn’t be worried.

What Old School Name Change Entails

To appreciate how difficult the name change process can get, consider that you have to fill paperwork and send notifications to every institution/organization that has your identification details. This allows them to continue delivering services and billing you appropriately. At your workplace, such a name change is important for payment records and other purposes.

The onus is on you to push the name change and this is where things get tricky. To initiate the process, make sure your name is on the marriage license which allows you to go ahead with the wedding. The names on this license will be used to apply for a marriage certificate which is a legal document. A marriage certificate is the main document needed for any marriage name change solution to work out.

It is advisable to get certified copies of your certificate which will be used to change your identification details. Once you receive your marriage certificate from the county offices, the steps to follow include:

  1. A visit to the Social Security Administration’s website: You need a new Social Security card reflecting your new name. To get this, visit and download Form SS-5 which you then have to send by mail or deliver in person to the local Social Security Administration’s offices.
  2. Visit the local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) offices: For a legal name change after marriage, you need a new driver’s license in your new name. A certified copy of your marriage certificate, your old driver’s license and new Social Security card are required. If need be you can also change the title to any automobile under your name.
  3. Travel document update: You need a name change on your passport which can be done by completing Form DS-82 or DS-5504 and sending it US Passport Agency accompanied by a certified copy of your marriage certificate, old passport and two color photos.
  4. Other name changes: There are many other areas where your identification needs to change and you have to provide proof of marriage, (certified copy of your marriage certificate), new social security card or driver’s license. These include employers/payroll, doctors’ offices, credit card companies, landlord or mortgage company, other utility companies, post office, voter registration office among others.

Avoiding the Hassle of Legal Marriage Name Change

The process of name change after marriage can be overwhelming and it comes at a time when you need to settle down. The last thing on your mind at this point is hoping form one office to the next filling out forms and mailing others. A reliable name change company saves you the hassle of visiting multiple government offices and other organizations for the name change.

You will not waste your first days of marriage buried in paperwork but instead, everything will be available on one platform. You just have to identify where you want the name change to be effected by buying a name change package that suits your needs. While you will still be required to make in-person visits to the DMV office, you will be saved the trouble of finding the right paperwork to fill out and the hassle of queuing for hours to get it all done.

This marriage name change solution also demystifies the whole process by providing insightful information about what needs to be done. All your questions are comprehensively answered by a knowledgeable customer support team through live chat and other channels. It is true name change after marriage can be a herculean task but you can avoid all the hassle by going for a digital solution.