The Complete Guide To Legally Change Your Name in 2024

The procedure for legally changing your name varies depending on the causes of the change. For example, a name change after marriage can be a stressful task. On the one hand, you are making a significant decision to alter your identity. On the other hand, your relatives and friends will refer to you by a new name — this is significant! On the other hand, you’re not sure which documents and forms to fill out or which services to update. So, to provide you with peace of mind, here is a comprehensive list of things to think about and actions to take when changing your name. 

What Name Do You Want?

The very first step is to decide on a name. After that, you can change your last name, initial name, middle name or all three. If you want to change your surname, you can have the following choices-

  • Use your spouse’s surname
  • hyphenate your surname with the surname of your spouse
  • Maintain your maiden name as your last name.
  • Make a completely new last name

There are several aspects to consider as you make your decision. First, consider what you want for your children and whether you want your family to share a last name. You should also consider how changing your name may impact your work life. For instance, if you have strong name recognition in your profession or have developed a personal brand. Once you’ve decided on a name, you can legally change it.

Steps For Name Change After Marriage

Before changing your name, there are a few things you should be aware of, ranging from the paperwork involved to the time required to complete the task across all government agencies. 

Changing your name begins with the desire to do so and does not end until it is reflected in all your documents.

1. Determine which papers must be updated

If you want to learn more about name change after marriage, the first step is to identify all the documents and accounts on which you wish to change your name. Then, make a list so you can tick these items off as you finish them. A thorough list may keep you from skipping or missing something vital later.

2. Collect all of your papers

If you want to legally change your name after marriage, you should assemble all your papers in one location. This includes your identification, birth certificate, social security card, and other documents that establish your identity, citizenship, and name. These will be needed at all phases of the process.

3. Obtain a certified copy of your marriage license

Your marriage license is one of the essential documents you’ll need. If you did not receive one when you married or require additional copies, you could obtain them through your court system. If you do not have this paperwork, you will most likely be unable to obtain a name change after marriage.

4. Collect any other documents that prove your marriage

Other documents that demonstrate you were married and when you were married may exist in some situations. For example, if you have a wedding announcement or a newspaper clip about your wedding, this may be good to have on hand.

5. Request a new social security card

Applying for a new social security card is another stage in changing your name after marriage. To obtain a card with your changed name, you may require to download and fill out a form and take it to your social security office. When you have your new card, you can begin updating other papers.

6. Get a new identity card

Obtaining a new ID is the following step in changing your name after marriage. When updating your identification card, bring all your paperwork with you because you never know what they will want to examine. Getting your birth certificate, marriage license, current social security card, and any other documents you may have is a good idea. Everything else you want to edit should be more accessible once you have your new identification.

7. Change your name on your bank documentation

You should have no problems having your name changed on your bank accounts if you have your updated documents and the other official documents you used to have your ID changed.

Simply inform a banker how you intend to change your name after marriage, and they will walk you through the procedure.

8. Make adjustments to other accounts

When it comes to changing your name after marriage, you must also consider how to alter your name on other accounts. This process will vary based on the objective of these accounts. For example, it may be as simple as altering your contact information in certain circumstances, while you may need to call some companies and provide paperwork.

9. Update your contact information at work

After marriage, you may also request a name change at work. Some people keep their names for professional purposes or because they consider themselves feminists, while others prefer to have their information updated after changing their names. Again, it is up to you to determine which alternative is best for you.

10. Change your social media name

The last place you might want to change your name after marriage is on social media. This might be as simple as changing your name and updating your settings, but it will depend on the site you are using. You should also consider calling customer service on any website where you wish to learn how to alter your name after marriage. They might be able to give you additional information.


Remember that there are numerous measures to follow if you want to know the process for legal name change after marriage. A checklist will come in handy as you gather documentation and approach several agencies to make the change.

Take as much time as you need and be meticulous throughout the procedure. If necessary, you can also get assistance by contacting a team at Hitchswitch for name change after marriage and legally change your name after divorce. We are ready to cater to all your name change problems in the best possible way we can.

Here Are 6 Choices For Changing Your Name After Marriage

Sometimes marrying your loved one isn’t enough; take it a step by adding his name to yours for complete harmony. People will, deliberately or unconsciously, consider altering your original name once you marry. You might be considering it right now! Of course, altering your name after marriage is a highly personal decision for each person because your name is actually your name, and no one can change it. Nevertheless, here are some possibilities to change your name after marriage and the methods concerned if you want to contemplate a modest alteration. 

Advantages of Changing Your Name After Marriage

Though it is an individual preference, if you change your name, the whole thing has a few advantages.

  • Everyone is pleased, and there is much less explaining. While this topic may arise at any point before or after the wedding, changing your name will undoubtedly make your in-laws happy because they believe it is by conventions and traditions.
  • It would aid in the documentation and result in much less paperwork regarding visas, passports, insurance, and properties, among other things. 
  • Having the same surname will make the work go much more smoothly. You can keep your maiden name and your husband’s surname if it has an excellent sound. It’s entirely up to you how you want to be recognized after marriage.
  • It would be less challenging for children in the future, with little explanation. 

The decision you make should be entirely your own. Don’t be swayed by what your family or in-laws say or your husband says. Of course, consult him before making your final decision, but make it yourself.

Choices You Might Consider When It Comes To Change Name After Marriage

Let’s dive in to get a complete picture of choices you might consider when changing your name after marriage-

  1. Keep your original name

You’ve used your original name to define yourself for the past 22 or 25 years. You might be concerned about dropping it and choosing not to alter it. After all, it also has the emotional value of having your parents’ surname. It is acceptable if you do not wish to change your name. The most straightforward choice is to do nothing at all. You can decide to follow the law of inertia and preserve the last name given to you at birth.

  1. Request that your partner takes your surname

Many women in heterosexual relationships urge their spouses to take their surnames after marriage, rather than the other way around, to rectify the historical balance. Exceptionally few couples choose this choice, but it’s worth talking with your significant other. It’s worth noting that while this is an uncommon alternative, it does follow tradition in some ways, albeit with the roles reversed, so it might not be the best choice for forward-thinking couples.

  1. Make use of both surnames

Most women may not want to drop their original name but want to be recognized as a member of their husbands’ families. So they’ve devised a perfect solution for this specific change of name after marriage by using surnames of both. The surname of husband is merely suffixed with yours, making it a winning situation for both of you. In addition, many women opt to employ their original name at work because it has been their identity, but they get their names changed on paperwork. 

As a result, people can use both names effectively. This option entails using both your and your spouse’s surnames, giving you two surnames that can be written with or without a hyphen. This can be an excellent solution for many couples, but remember that if you have children together, you’ll still need to pick whose name(s) the children will have. Also, of course, you’ll still have to go through the process of changing your name after marriage.

  1. Create a new surname together

This option involves both members of the marriage adopting a new surname, a current surname they both like, or a new surname they’ve formed. It varies from the above options in that the new name contains no hints of the original names.

Some draw inspiration from the meanings of their true surnames, others choose a term with exceptional value, and others develop a whole catch buzzword. This choice is ideal for creative couples, with the drawback that friends and relatives may take some convincing, and, of course, you’ll have to go to the trouble of changing your name.

  1. Use your spouse’s surname

The most typical habit for married women is taking their husbands’ surnames. This slight modification contributes to the total metamorphosis a lady goes through after her wedding as a gesture of being a member of the new life. Many brides will drop their original names and adopt their spouse’s surname. The reasons for this range from having unpronounceable maiden names to wanting their future offspring to have a last name towards the beginning of the alphabet.

  1. Use your maiden name as your middle name plus your spouse’s last name

Upon marriage, it is conventional for a woman to take her husband’s surname and ditch the use of her maiden name. Women can take their spouse’s last name while keeping their maiden name, making this one of the most common name change trends today. Change from maiden to middle name appeals much more to women who were given conflicting middle names!


If you’re getting married, it’s not only a matter of deciding whether to maintain your name or change it to suit your new spouse. If you need to change your name and want a name change service after marriage to avoid any unnecessary annoyance and hassle, contact Hitchswitch today. We serve our best to help you with everything you require to switch over your name.